Skyz Universe Member replied

519 weeks ago

Stevie i watched that vid like 10times bk 2 bk or more ><. i saw the tank had Rage of halone rdy for the adds. but he used provoke 1st and then rage of halone while moving into position.
Also when thoes adds spawn it seems the boss does not move that much either. thats y we was able to solo tank it
basically he never tanked it to the left.he carried what he had over to where the 3rd add will spawn moving in between the healers and the Stacked Renauds.

once tanks can hold the agro np next phase is a cinch. quickly burn down the 4 that done move and will dps away till the prospector arrivies. where we dps, turn away (petrifacttion) use LB3 turn away (Petrifaction) and kill. back on boss where she will more or less instantly use petrifaction just to let us know she has it.
then the fight becomes messy so we need to be composed dodge petrifaction and cursed voice while looking out for shreek tucking in and looking away from petrifacton. at this point on dps should do the most they can and healers will need to pay close attention to wen and whowm VENOMOUS TAIL WILL HIT. as u know needs to be Esuna or Leached with in like 2s.
well thats all i can fink of to say for now so..nn to my self.
and re watch the vid. it really does help.
4.74% enrage and 1 shot all i cant believe. 5 times less that 24% ><<<< ahhha

Stevie Sniperg Admin replied

519 weeks ago

Good feedback Sky and well done for the progress you have made, yes we need to work on our DPS, this is one area for improvement!
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